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Amber Jones

Teacher as Facilitator

The teacher’s role is that of a fellow learner & researcher, to provide information and material that will scaffold the children’s learning. Some ways I accomplish this are: to ask questions before providing answers, observe the children’s play and interests to expand upon their experiences, use observations as a starting point to prepared


Elementary Scholars

Our Teacher

Elementary Scholars are our classes for Scholars of Elementary School Age (5-12)

Maeyoka Brightheart  

Age 6-9 Programs
Ages 9-12 Programs
“It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.” -Albert Einstein


I am inspired by many educational theories and have adopted what will best support our overall mission: to create a joy in learning. A few ways I am inspired by those theories are:

Reggio Emilia:

Emergent, child-led curriculum, documentation, the role of the teacher, a beautifully prepared environment & The Hundred Languages of Children.


Respect of children’s intelligence and abilities, play as work, support of independence and the “discovery" model, where students learn concepts from working with materials rather than by direct instruction

Charlotte Mason:

Living books, nature study, narration, poetry and artist study.


rhythm of the day, week, month, and seasons, home environment, preference of natural materials, and productive work.


Please ask if I can clarify any of these ideas.

Our Philosophy

-Loris Malaguzzi,

founder of the

Reggio Emilia


"Learning and teaching

should not stand on opposite

banks and just watch

the river flow by;

instead, they 

should embark

together on a journey

down the water.

Through an




teaching can


learning how

to learn."

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